Well, as you probably could have geussed, I came down with Karli's bug on Wednesday afternoon - and we think Oliver did too. Fortunately, it didn't get either of us going too much, but did have our tummies doing cartwheels for a while. So I took the rest of the week off just to make sure I didn't give it to any of my clients - not good customer relations.
Oliver had some diarrhoea and a very large spew - so I'm told, I was having my own little show in the bedroom - but then seemed to suffer mainly from an upset tummy. It has made him much pickier about his food, but hopefully that will disappear soon. Karli had to take him back in to hospital on Thursday because he spewed his tube up. Fortunately we had a new one put in because the other one seemed to be doing a considerable amount of leaking. He was given a once over by the doctor, but because he was drinking well and holding everything down (and in) there was no cause for alarm.
It was hard to keep myself locked up in quarantine for the day. It is special to hear him get excited whenever he heard my voice later in the afternoon though. Apparently he has some fondness for his dad.
We're all on the mend now. Still a bit tender and choosey about what we eat, but everything seems to have settled down fine.
Great to see your young man is going through treatment ok. I came accross your blog but I have probably seen you on Ward 3b. My daughter Jaime had a brain tumour but thankfully finished treatment in July 2008. Hope Oliver keeps on going well.
We share very well in this family, which did mean All Out!! Myself, Greg and Jarrad succumbed to the BUG (lucky Aimee so far)but am pleased that it didn't affect Oliver too much. When I saw him just after he'd thrown up he was quite happy to walk his trolley and laugh and chat while poor mum dealt with the mess.Of course it may have been because he'd managed to rid himself of his tube!!
Clever boy hey? Nanna Noel xo
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