Thursday, September 15, 2011

A different tale to tell

We have news - Ollie is a big brother to Charlotte Grace Roebuck. Charlotte burst onto the scene 2 weeks early at 1158pm Tuesday 13th September. Karli has a story to tell, but I'll leave her the opportunity to regale you all when she gets out of hospital. She is doing well though, and in much better shape than after Oliver.

Charlotte weighed 2.41kg (5lb 5oz), 46.5cm long, 32.5cm head circumference. She has spent her time in the neonatal nursery so far. Initially she needed some help with her breathing, but is now keeping warm and receiving some precautionary IV antibiotics. We hope to see her move into a normal crib tomorrow, then up to our room the next day. If not, we will probably go home Saturday and hopefully bring our new little bundle home on Sunday or Monday.

Ollie has been staying with Nanna and Grandad (lifesavers). He came in to visit today and was very upset that he wasn't able to give his little sister cuddles and kisses, and that we weren't all going home together. The present Charlotte bought for him helped calm the waters. He continues to be an amazing little man.

I'll go now, as I'm having troubles with my connection, but I'll be in touch again soon.

A proud mum with a content little girl.


Anonymous said...

Huge congrats Simon and Karli and Oliver for introducing beautiful Charlotte to the world! Glad to hear she is soon to be reunited with her favourite people and able to be cuddled aplenty :) See you all soon, xkathryn and the fam.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to post Simon. I can't wait to see more photos in the future. Hugs to all of you xoxo Elisa