Thursday, June 11, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Oops. It's been a while. It's not that anything hasn't happened worth reporting, just that we haven't really been able to get up the enthusiasm to write. Rather than this be a massive entry, I'll promise to write regularly over the coming days.

Since our last entry, Oliver has been through two more rounds of chemo. Yesterday was his second last. It took practically all day due to staffing issues at the hospital, but we don't plan to do anything else on those days anyway. Yesterday was a bit of deja vu. We were given a room to ourselves, which always makes it a bit easier. We were placed in Rm 6, however, and combined with the wet and dreary start to the day, it seemed as though we were back at the start of it all over again. Rm 6 was the room we spent our initial stint in, and was home for almost 4 weeks, if I remember correctly. Of course, our little man is so much healthier now, but it just had all the hallmarks of those days 11 months ago.

You wouldn't know that he had just had chemo

I am taking July off. Oliver has his last treatment on the 1st, and so we have decided we will take off down south when we can and enjoy some time together before I need to be back for my university orientation day on the 14th, ready to start on the 20th. We didn't see much of July last year as most of it was spent in PMH. Hopefully we will get a chance to have some semi-normal time as a family without any chemo on the horizon - although there are a number of tests he will need during July and August.

Reading with Nanna.

1 comment:

Noelene Tate said...

Countdown time is really here, with only ONE more trteatment for our little man! YAY!!
Olly is constantly on the go with his favourite activity at our place being "climb the stairs to grandad's library".
Such a joy to see him mostly so well and happy.
Nanna Noel xo