Thursday, July 17, 2008

Small Triumphs

After 3 days inside the headbox, Oliver came out this evening and handled it beautifully. Although his fluids are being closely monitored, the consultant let him have one breastfeed, which both he and his mum took full advantage of. After a lengthy cuddle with Mum and Dad he was dressed in a little sleep suit for the first time in a long while, before he was laid down into bed where he wrestled with his little bear, Bruce. Then, much to Mum's joy, he filled a nappy - the first time he had "opened his bowels" (hospital jargon) for 3 days aswell. It's strange what things you celebrate, but tonight we will all go to bed happy and contented.

Oliver has made so many improvements in the past few days that I can't help but be filled with optimism about his treatment - though I haven't dared to consider that there is an alternative to success. He has lost almost 1.5kg in the last couple of days. That may sound bad, but it has all been fluid that has been leaking out of his blood vessels and into his tissues. His stomach girth has come down almost 5cm and when we held him, we could cuddle him close and not have to be careful of pressing on his tummy. His blood pressure is returning to normal, and his pulse and oxygen saturation are also normal. The doctors are happy, the nursing staff are happy, and we are happy. Our little boy is also happy. We haven't had a smile for a while, but it will come.

I had intended on filling you in on the last week and a half, but that can be tomorrow's tale - at least at this stage. Who knows what the night and next day will bring in this journey through which my baby boy must carry most of the burden.

1 comment:

Gordon, Sytarnya and Tyran said...

It's great to see the improvement in the lil man and that you got to have a cuddle which we know would make you both feel sooo good...cuddles always do :) If you need anything we're here for you all. Love you lots!!