Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Missed Again

Oliver avoided his chemo again today. His neutrophils are still too low, but we expect them to pick up fairly quickly for next week. It seems a little strange that we should get so excited about Oliver effectively being too worn down to have his treatment, but it has been so nice to come back from hospital early and have half a day all together. All things going well, next week should see him back in to a big day, with the joy of steroids coming our way. If the next cycles go to schedule, Oliver will be 'roid raging for his birthday party.

Our little man turns 11 months old tomorrow, and we have a party planned for Saturday 8th November for his first birthday. Mum is very excited. She is in the throes of putting his invites together. We originally wanted to make it a bit of a thankyou aswell and invite people who have supported us through our little adventure. Unfortunately we ended up with about 104 peopleon our invite list, which seemed a little excessive for a 1st birthday party, so we have had to limit our scope to family.

Oliver is continuing to thrive. He hasn't been weighed for a couple of weeks, but he sure feels like he's put on a bit of weight. With the amount he's eating I wouldn't be surprised. He has a healthy little appetite. He has a lot more control on his tummy and is able to turn himself around pretty effectively. He's still creeping backwards, but I don't think we want him to get super mobile too soon. We can see it will be a little more hectic once he's moving.

Oliver practicing his one arm pushups.

Oliver talking to Sebastian about soccer.


Gordon, Sytarnya and Tyran said...

Trust me... the longer he is not "moving" around, the better!! Karli and Simon it must be time to crawl around your home looking for all things dangerous from Oliver's!

Only 104 people to a first birthday? Think of all the pressies he would get!

Good to see him in a photo, and we hope that things continue to improve.

All our Love, The Qld Roeys x x x

Noelene Tate said...

One arm push-ups are pretty special considering 4 months ago he couldn't even hold his head up! What a wonderful photo.
We can see that he'll be up to all sorts of mischief once he's mobile; look out world. And don"t you just love the name Sebastian for his baby, who is an Olly look alike??
As for pressies, if you could see the Roebuck lounge room you would wonder what on earth one can give Oliver for his special day: a larger soccer ball is one option maybe.
Grandad was so happy that Oliver ate all of his favourite dessert -mashed banana with rice cereal - when he fed him tonight. A first for Greg.
Love Nanna Noel

michelle york said...

Hi Simon, Karli & Oliver,
Just wanted to encourage you on your blog regarding Oliver's progress. Can I just say that considering everything your beautiful little man has gone through, he is doing awesome with his movement etc. My first son never moved !! I mean NEVER moved at all by age 15mths...... crawled only at 16mths & walked at 19mths....
So considering our family has not had to go through what you have had to, and he took that long to move, I think you have nothing to worry about at all. Also as Gordon said, you will realise when they start moving that you would like them to slow down or stop.
He will get there in his own sweet time.....
He looks lovely and happy, and I pray that everything goes smoothly for you for his next session.

Love always
Michelle & Crew

Ruth said...

Wow... that is such a gorgeous photo of Oliver chatting about soccer with Sebastian! What a cutie!