Wednesday, August 6, 2008


You may have guessed that yesterday was missed due to our energies being directed elsewhere, mainly towards a small boy who we love dearly. We are in the process of trying to work out what all his cries mean and what things he needs when, so we can hopefully avoid any unneccessary anguish by being ahead of the game at times. As you have learned, Oliver is extremely hungry at the moment, but he didn't feed terribly well yesterday. So overnight we decided to feed on demand, rather than having a continuous feed going through his nasogastric (NG) tube, to see if he really was that hungry through the night. This was a spectacular failure, with mum getting up every 1 - 1.5 hours to feed Oliver or set up the pump to give him an NG feed. I suspect that tonight we will go back to a continuous feed so that we can all get a decent nights sleep.
On the subject of sleep, mum has gone down for a nanna nap, and I can't hear the boy, so hopefully he's also drifted off for a bit. Nope, spoke too soon.
We have had our moments over the past couple of days. At times things have felt quite manageable, and then other times I have wanted to hide in the bedroom and pretend none of this is happening.
Let me take the time now to say a big thankyou to my mum. She has been staying in our house while we have been in hospital, and when we came back home the place was spotless. Of course, after about 30 seconds of us being home it was a disaster area again. Mum has been quietly and tirelessly picking up after us, tidying, retidying, cleaning, washing, gardening (though I'm not sure she minds the gardening), shopping, etc. Thanks mum.
Oliver is much more settled today. He has fed well with his mum, and has taken solids fairly well, all things considered, the first time in 6 weeks. He's keen to have cuddles with his dad (yay) and we have played together pretty well, though he's not much into anything. But he is happy to sit there quietly and humour me. Nanna has just arrived and has taken him for a quick walk after he had a feed, and I'm off to catch a bit of sleep while I can.


Just Wave and Smile said...

Hi beautiful people. Dawn here. I just found out about this site from Elisa - it has been such a privilege to sit and read about your thoughts and your journey. Thank you for that insight. My prayers are with you guys daily. Blessings, Dawn

Gav and Jodie Beeck said...

Dear Simon and Karli,
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you both and you are in my prayers daily. You both show incredible strength. Each day I pray that you are one step closer to having your little man back to normal and getting into everything.
Love and Cuddles
Gav, Jodie and Brock Beeck (nee Butler)
Remember that when you have no strength left He will hold you up